Sunday, July 11, 2010

Leather Motorcycle Accessories As Protective Gear

What you need and what you want

Motorcycle accessories are a broad term and include items from protective gear up to stuff that make your motorcycle move faster. Leather accessories usually include just (protective) gear, clothes and luggage items that you use when you ride. It depends on the type of bike you own what type of leather motorcycle accessories you'll need. But it also depends on how much you ride, if you ride all year round or just in summer and of course it depends on your budget.

To be honest there are leather accessories for every budget and with online auction sites these days you can also buy second hand gear. If you are a typical weekend only rider on a small budget that might be a very good option. Its better to safe money then to see your expensive motorcycle accessories sit around unused.

On the other side if you are the type of bike rider that likes to show of their bike and gear and takes pride in complementary style bike and leather accessories then there is also enough to enjoy. In that case it does not matter if you are a frequent rider or if you like to show what you own you need the very best quality stuff.

If your the kind of motorcycle rider that rides often and in many different types of weather then you should look for motorcycle accessories made out of leather that will protect you like safety gear, helmets and gloves because your life could depend on durable and reliable gear.

Leather motorcycle accessories for beginners

Most people who just have bought their first bike get carried away and would like to buy all of the motorcycle accessories they see and like. Most of the time this is not the the best choice they can make because your tastes and knowledge will grow when you ride more. However, there are several accessories that you will need immediately and that you should purchase right away.

Wear a helmet at all times, this is an absolute must. There are states that don't have a helmet law, but it's essential that you do wear one. A helmet will protect your head and face from the trauma that usually occurs with a crash. Without a helmet a crash can cause extensive damage, even at slow speed, so it is necessary to wear a helmet at all time. Luckily there are great leather helmets available, some will look kind of retro but will have the latest protective technology underneath.

Another essential motorcycle accessories is the leather jacket, it's not just to look cool, it also protects you from the elements while you are riding and from the damage in case of a crash. You are completely exposed on a bike, so you need to protect yourself when riding.

The last leather accessories that are essential are a good pair of gloves that will keep your hands protected from the elements and help you keep a strong grip. Leather gloves often overlooked because many people don't believe they need them. In fact they are essential to help keep you safe and on the road.

As you see there are many leather motorcycle accessories that you'll need and there will be even more that you want to add as you become more experienced, but as a beginner these three are the most important. You can buy new gear or you can look online for used motorcycle accessories made out of leather. This can safe you a lot of money and because it is leather it will even look better when it is used. Just make sure that it is in good condition.

What to Know About Choosing Motorcycle Accessories

Many motorcycle drivers always brag about the fact that motorcycling is the best when it comes to moving machines, not disputing that fact I believe whatever they say is due to the experience they have. I did a little research and found out that, most of them say that because of the wonderful motorcycle accessories available for them to use in making their motorcycles look extraordinary. Motorcycles are one class of machines that need extra care because; they might look beautiful when being ridden but can be very dangerous when its accessories are not well installed or fixed.

Exquisite motorcycle accessories like tires and the helmet are the two most valuable assets of a motorcycle not forgetting the engine. Yes, we all know that having a good engine is the best but so long as technology is concerned mistakes do happen along the way so having a valuable helmet and excellent tires will be very good body guards to your motorcycle's engine. There are many motorcycle accessories you can buy and use in pimping your motorcycle; they are made in so many forms and types by different companies and most of the time you cannot tell which brand of motorcycle you might be staring at because; all accessories on the motorcycle may vary from one brand to the other.

Some people think that, making your motorcycle look extravagant by using so many motorcycle accessories is the best but take my advise, it is sometimes the best to have just few but nice, attractive and long lasting accessories from the right places for your motorcycles. The headlight of a motor cycle is also one very important accessory because; without it the driver is bound to have a series of accidents especially at nights.

Remember that, safety and quality being the first two choices to consider when purchasing or buying motorcycle accessories will include the purchasing of a good and quality helmet which also fits your head perfectly. Accidents are bound to happen so long as you ride a motorcycle but when you have a very good and quality helmet which will not jump off your head when the need arises, your life can be saved from unnecessary injuries that could have been prevented. Remember to also consider the cost involved when buying any accessory because, although quality is needed; you must have a budget and be strict about that.

Motorcycle Accessories to Enhance Your Riding Experience

Motorcycle accessories can enhance your riding experience. With the right accessories, your ride will be safe as well as comfortable. What things should you consider when selecting motorcycle accessories? Lets have a look at some of the essential items:

Motorcycle Helmets - A Must-Have Motorcycle Accessory

Riding a motorcycle can be an exhilarating experience for the adventurous rider. If you have the passion of riding such a powerful machine on the open road, you most certainly need adequate head protection which will protect your head in the event of an accident.

In this article we will discuss must-have motorcycle gear that can enhance your riding experience: When riding a motorcycle, your head needs maximum protection. Whether you are a daily commuter, a weekend rider or a just-for-fun rider, a helmet is an essential accessory when it comes to protective gear. Some motorcycle helmets are designed specifically to protect your entire head and face. Motorcycle helmets also help protect your eyes from blowing wind and debris which can impair your vision and cause an accident.

Helmets may seem a little uncomfortable but the fact is, they provide ventilation. Your head may feel a little warm with prolonged use but you have to endure it for your own protection.

For any rider, motorcycle helmets are indeed a necessity. Helmets cannot promise 100% protection against head injury, but they do without a doubt, decrease the severity of an injury and reduce the chances of a fatality in any motorcycle accident.

Some motorcycle helmets protect both your head and face. There are several different kinds of helmets, each offering different benefits. These include:

* A Full face helmet
* A Motocross helmet
* Open face helmet
* A Half helmet

A full face helmet provides the most protection; as it covers the entire head while also protecting your skull and chin. These helmets are much larger in size but the advantage is definitely more than in most other types. All these helmets have a chin guard that should be kept fastened at all times while riding. For long distance rides, there are special helmets with sturdier features such as face guards. These face guards are retractable and they even provide anti-glare protection to help keep riders from being blinded by the bright glare reflected off shiny surfaces from other vehicles.

Motorcycle helmets provide a great deal of protection for your head and by wearing one each time you ride significantly reduces the chance of a head injury if involved in an accident. Statistics show that the risk of major head and soft-tissue injuries are reduced by nearly 40% with the use of a motorcycle helmet. Many States have passed a law making it mandatory to wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle. To ensure your safety, you should always check for any defects when buying a motorcycle helmet. Do not ignore even the slightest crack. You will have more security if you ride using all safety precautions.

Motorcycle Saddlebags - Another Must-Have Accessory

One thing is for sure, motorcycles are not at all convenient for transporting personal belongings or items that you may purchase at the store. Most motorcycle owners know this and you will hardly ever see a person riding a motorcycle down the street one-handed, steering with one hand and carrying a bag of groceries in the other. Those who ride often, need a durable and reliable way of carrying these items while riding and motorcycle saddlebags provide perfectly for this need.

These saddlebags look great and fit well on most motorcycles. It is the most convenient way to carry anything while you ride. Bikers should also have these spacious compartments to store certain items in the event of an emergency. Such items that should be stored in these compartments and may also come in handy include:

-A First Aid Kit
-A Flashlight
-Mobile phone
-Some groceries
-Flares and Tool Kit
-Registration and motorcycle Insurance

These are just to name a few. Most saddlebags come with enough space to carry almost anything you need while on the road. Saddlebags come in a variety of sizes however, leather saddlebags are a bit smaller than the hard plastic shell types. Every motorcyclist needs some kind of storage for their personal belongings and saddlebags provide plenty of space and does it with style.

Leather Vests - A Stylish Accessory

Are you planning a motorcycle adventure trip? If so, then you need to think about what motorcycle gear you would like to put on for this thrill ride. It is nearly impossible to experience such an adventure in your regular street clothes or with long sleeves. You should wear something that is both tough, yet trendy. If you prefer to embark on your adventure in style,then you need a cool leather motorcycle vest.

Leather vests have always been a favorite amongst all bikers. Leather motorcycle vests are a way of displaying a bikers smooth and rugged look. Motorcycle vests provide an ample amount of room and comfort for that rugged adventurer without skimping on its essential purpose: protection against the elements of nature. These leather vests are meant for inner wear by both guys and gals, but they are most often worn externally for that trendy leather appeal. Leather motorcycle vests are available in a variety of styles with each leather vest encompassing its own unique image.

Ideally, they are comfortable, form fitting and made with quality leather. They provide plenty of pockets to carry all your essentials. Riding vests are manufactured with a sturdy lining to protect the rider from strong winds, rain or other undesirable weather condition. They can be worn with or without an undershirt and on any riding occasion. So get into your gear with these three motorcycle accessories and make your road trip a riding adventure!

How to Maintain Your Leather Motorcycle Accessories

Leather accessories definitely look good on motorcycles and on the

bikers as well. After all, leather accessories are perfect combinations
of quality and fashion. These come in different colors and styles that
could definitely suit your taste and personality. Although a leather
jacket or any other leather accessory usually lasts for about 9 to 10
years, it still needs proper care and constant maintenance. Motorcycle
accessories made from leather should be given the same attention as
that of a cashmere sweater or silk fabric. These can be very sensitive
once exposed to harsh elements such as weather, strong chemicals and
more. Such occurrence might lead to color fading and leather cracks.

Common motorcycle leather accessories are tool pouches, tank panels,
and saddle bags. You may also include leather boots, gloves and biker
outfit on the list. These items should have a regular cleaning schedule
to prevent their exterior from damage and to prolong the life of your
leather accessories.

Here are some tips from motorcycle experts on how to maintain your
motorcycle accessories made from leather:

1. Thoroughly vacuum your leather
accessories first before cleaning. Be sure to blow off all the excess
dirt before wiping the applicator pad with leather cleaners in it. This
is to avoid leather scratches caused by coarse particles.

2. Use cleaners especially made for vinyl
and leather. Tidy your leather at least once a week or more often if
necessary. This would not only stop dirt build up but would prevent
your motorcycle from looking old as well. Choose a leather cleaner that
is not acidic or that does not contain alkaline. Acidic cleansers may
cause your leather to dry.

3. Do not use detergents, bleaches or any
regular soap in cleaning your leather hand grips, saddle bags and
seats. This would easily dry the leather and would doff the oil that is
needed to maintain that shiny coat.

4. Saddle soaps are not recommended for
cleaning motorcycle accessories. A saddle soap is actually used as a
leather tanner rather than a product for the maintenance of leather
motorcycle accessories. Saddle soap contains high amount of
alkaline that gradually damages the leather as well as the stitches
binding it. If you want to buy a leather tanner, look for modern
emulsions that have deep leather conditioning and have lasting
moisturizers in them.

5. With the help of cloth and water or
clean sponge, rinse your leather accessories thoroughly. After rinsing,
let these dry slowly and completely before you use them again. Do not
use blow dryers or any extra heat that would dry the leather quickly.

6. Once your motorcycle leather accessory
is completely parched, you may put a small amount of leather restorer
or conditioner. This would help maintain the supple look in your
leather accessories. It moisturizes, nourishes, and prevents
environmental leather pollutants from damaging the said material.

7. Motorcycle clothing such as chaps,
pants and jackets are the usual outfit motorcycle riders or bikers use
when aboard their favorite two-wheeled vehicle. Most of these outfits
worn by motorcycle enthusiasts are also made from leather. In
case you feel that your leather clothing is beginning to dry, apply a
very small amount of petroleum jelly and wipe it all over the leather.
Let it dry before using it again. Do not treat your leather clothing as
if it is water resistant. Rain could wash the oil out of the leather
and may eventually lead to a dry and cracked outfit.

Maintenance of your motorcycle leather accessories is very vital to
keep it always in good shape. The more you clean your leather
accessories, the longer you will be able to use it. Take proper care of
your leather components to maintain a smooth-looking exterior and to
enjoy the benefits of leather for more years to come.

Customize Your Ride With Motorcycle Accessories

With so many motorcycle accessories to choose from it's not hard to customize your ride. Nope, the hard part comes when you try to decide what exactly you want and need.

Some accessories are safety related while others are strictly for fun and appearance. It's probably a good idea to balance the two.

Number one in safety accessories should always be to purchase a quality helmet that meets or exceeds government standards and that fits properly. This is not the place to settle. Buy the best you can afford. Helmets are available in many colors and lots of designs so you shouldn't have trouble finding one that matches your bike.

There are a number of other motorcycle accessories available that you can invest in that are safety related. There is everything from goggles, sunglasses, leather gloves, chaps and jackets, right through to full riding suits. It's probably not a bad idea to buy some rain gear as well. This will make rides in inclement weather more comfortable.

If you take a lot of trips there are accessories to make carrying gear a lot easier. You can choose from a variety of pouches and bags that attach to your bike and can be removed when you reach your destination. For short trips you may want to leave the saddle bags at home and get a motorcycle back pack.

If you want to really enjoy your motorcycle, you'll want to be comfortable. You have the option of changing the handlebars or even the seat to add to your comfort. Adding an extra set of foot pegs so you can stretch out your legs is an option many riders opt for. If you often carry a passenger on the back, you may want to think about installing a back rest for her.

Now if you want to customize the appearance of your bike there are a ton of accessories you can choose from. Almost anything chrome is a popular choice. But how you customize your motorcycle is really a matter of personal preference. Each manufacturer has certain unique accessories that reflect their brand. There of course are all kinds of after market accessories available as well.

If you are not sure what exactly you want to do, spend some time going through showrooms to see what the newest accessories are. Motorcycle magazines will give you lots of ideas and advertisers feature their latest products.

Best of all might be to attend a motorcycle show or swap meet. Sometimes just seeing a bike that is all decked out can solidify your own plans in your mind. Once you know what you want it's easy to customize your ride with the right motorcycle accessories.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

JAX Full Face Hemet [Tribal]

Jax Full Face Helmet [Tribal]
 RM 250.00
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*courier service fees will be apply to customer

Alphinestars Waist Bag [Big]

Alphinestars Waist Bag [Big]

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*courier fees service will be apply to customer

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Fox Racing Knee Protector Normal

Fox Racing Knee Protector Normal 
(This got hand and knee)
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*courrier fees will be apply to customer

Friday, April 23, 2010

Alphinestar Hand Glove Normal

Alphinestar Hand Glove Normal
Size Available
M, L, XL
Colour Available
M, L, XL
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*courrier fees will be apply to customer

Alphinestar Hand Glove Half

Alphinestar Hand Glove Half
Size Available
M, L, XL
Colour Available
Black, Blue, Red

we can arrange for self pick up or courrier service
*courrier fees will be apply to customer

Alphinestar Full Face Cover

Alphinestar Full Face Cover
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Koso Mirror

Koso Mirror
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TCB Skull Head Screw

TCB Skull Head Screw
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Styling Mirror

Styling Mirror
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Type R 8 Tone Horn

Type R 8 Tone Horn
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Handle Bar Alloy

Handle Bar Alloy
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Daytona Throttle

Daytona Throttle
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Yamaha LC135 Original Logo Yamaha Visor

Yamaha LC135 Original Logo Yamaha Visor
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